Insights into Third & Fourth Graders

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Insights into Third & Fourth Graders

Understanding the Third and Fourth Grader

Think back to what you remember from third and fourth grades—school, friends, choices. Today’s students face pressures that many of us never experienced at such a young age. Will your classroom be a safe haven for their hearts? Will you be their hero and friend?

Who Are They?

Life for third and fourth graders comes with strong social and emotional demands. In today’s world, upper elementary students are facing peer pressures that were once only seen in high school. They are growing both physically and emotionally and developing a sense of independence. Television, radio, and the internet expose them to adult themes and decisions. Despite all of this, they are still children, longing for the protection and safety of home and family. They are helpful, open, and easy-going, but they need godly direction, righteous role models, and real friends.

  • Key to remember: Independence needs guidance and direction.

Who Is God?

At this age, children are learning to make choices, and God plays a crucial role in those decisions. They understand that God has thoughts and feelings and wants to be personally involved in their lives. They grasp cause and effect and are learning that their choices have consequences. They look for consistency and safety, and God’s word is becoming a source for making wise decisions. This age group craves the goodness, power, and protection of God. They have soft consciences, sensitive to right and wrong, especially when it comes to their own actions. They are ready to be guided by God’s truth.

  • Key to remember: Our choices matter to God. The Bible helps us make good decisions.

Who Are You?

Now, more than ever, you have the opportunity to make lasting impressions. Idealism will soon give way to realism for your students, and your example will form the foundation of everything you say. Your life will speak louder than your words. This is your chance to inspire, encourage, and prepare their minds to love and live for God. Besides their parents, you are the first line of defense for their souls as they begin to understand the depth of their spirituality. Leave them with memories of God’s victories, heroes, and miracles that will overshadow the hypocrisy and immorality they see every day. You must be Jesus to them like never before.

  • Key to remember: The impressions you leave will last a lifetime.

What to Remember?

In about fifteen years, one of your students may be reading these very words. What will they remember about you? What impression will you leave to influence the next generation? How much will you pray for them? Will you be prepared to make a lasting difference?


Third and Fourth Grades Lesson

The Third and Fourth Grade marks the beginning of the Generation: Next curriculum for older school-age students. This exciting two-year Bible survey offers a solid foundation in Bible history, events, and key figures. Unlike the preschool/primary curriculum, this course focuses on the Old Testament in the first year and the New Testament, along with God's church today, in the second year. Students will journey from Genesis to Revelation and explore God's modern-day movement, witnessing His power and love unfold. These lessons provide essential Biblical background for students, preparing them for a personal relationship with God as they approach their preteen years.

Activity Centers

Students will participate in six weekly learning centers:

  • Core: Bible Story
  • Core: Craft
  • Core: Scripture Memory
  • Supplement: Life Application
  • Supplement: Game
  • Supplement: Bible Skills

Bible Story and Life Application

In Seeds of Faith, students alternated between Old and New Testament units. However, in Third and Fourth Grades, lessons provide a continuous overview: the first year focuses on the Old Testament, and the second year on the New Testament. These scripted lessons are designed to leave lasting impressions, as students master key words and concepts. In the Life Application center, students reflect on the Bible story from a personal perspective and apply it to real life.


Craft activities encourage students to follow instructions and pay attention. These crafts serve as tangible reminders of important lessons, which students will treasure.

Scripture Memory

In this center, students continue to memorize Bible verses in fun and creative ways, building friendships through teamwork. The goal is not just to learn the verses by heart, but also to take them to heart.


From game shows to charades, students will enjoy learning and reviewing their Bible knowledge in a fun environment. Many games encourage teamwork, helping students build and deepen friendships.

Bible Skills

Students sharpen their Bible skills through activities like speed drills, timelines, map reading, and using a concordance. Leadership is encouraged as students assist newcomers or those less familiar with the Bible.

What’s Next?

Students who complete this two-year cycle will have a solid understanding of Bible history, the order of the books of the Bible, and the differences between the Old and New Testaments. They will also be able to explain the evidence for the Bible's inspiration. Beyond knowledge, students will be personally challenged to consider the consequences of their choices and develop convictions about sin and righteousness. Ultimately, those who complete this course will enter the Preteen Class prepared and motivated to seek a personal relationship with God.